Rose and Lily with Teddy. This beautiful Rose and Lily bouquet is the perfect floral arrangement to send for all occasions. Tall long-stemmed pink roses lay against sweet smelling palm with oriental pink lilies. Available for next day flower delivery, send this flower bouquet to friends and family or treat yourself, it will make a beautiful centrepiece in any home. PThis extraordinary bouquet comes with a delightful teddy bear, adding an extra special touch, making it the perfect thoughtful gift for any occasion! Vase not included* Lilies may arrive in bud for extra freshness and to ensure longevity..
Scroll down to view Discount Voucher Codes for Prestige Flowers and other Florists.
Rose and Lily with Teddy. This beautiful Rose and Lily bouquet is the perfect floral arrangement to send for all occasions. Tall long-stemmed pink roses lay against sweet smelling palm with oriental pink lilies. Available for next day flower delivery, send this flower bouquet to friends and family or treat yourself, it will make a beautiful centrepiece in any home. PThis extraordinary bouquet comes with a delightful teddy bear, adding an extra special touch, making it the perfect thoughtful gift for any occasion! Vase not included* Lilies may arrive in bud for extra freshness and to ensure longevity.
Scroll down to view Discount Voucher Codes for Prestige Flowers and other Florists.