October Bouquet with Birthday Chocolate & Card


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October Bouquet with Birthday Chocolate & Card. Capture the magic of autumn with our limited-edition October Bouquet, the perfect gift for those who adore the season’s charm! This autumnal bouquet showcases the rich beauty of Autumn. This striking bouquet includes fiery orange roses, crisp white crane brassica, and the timeless beauty of chrysanthemums. It also includes deep red oak leaves, paired with a whimsical apple pick, to bring the warmth of a woodland grove straight into your lucky recipients home. Earthy brown hypericum adds a rustic touch, while a luxurious orange ribbon ties it all together for an elegant finish. Every stem has been thoughtfully selected to create a vibrant celebration of autumn, making this bouquet an extraordinary gift for any occasion. Included in this Birthday gift is a delicious birthday milk chocolate bar & birthday personalised occasion card so you can send your heartfelt wishes!.

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October Bouquet with Birthday Chocolate & Card.  Capture the magic of autumn with our limited-edition October Bouquet, the perfect gift for those who adore the season’s charm! This autumnal bouquet showcases the rich beauty of Autumn. This striking bouquet includes fiery orange roses, crisp white crane brassica, and the timeless beauty of chrysanthemums. It also includes deep red oak leaves, paired with a whimsical apple pick, to bring the warmth of a woodland grove straight into your lucky recipients home. Earthy brown hypericum adds a rustic touch, while a luxurious orange ribbon ties it all together for an elegant finish. Every stem has been thoughtfully selected to create a vibrant celebration of autumn, making this bouquet an extraordinary gift for any occasion. Included in this Birthday gift is a delicious birthday milk chocolate bar & birthday personalised occasion card so you can send your heartfelt wishes!


Scroll down to view Discount Voucher Codes for Prestige Flowers and other Florists.

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