December Bouquet with Vase


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December Bouquet with Vase. Introducing our exquisite December Bouquet, a stunning arrangement in shades of pink that is sure to bring joy to your fortunate recipient. Crafted with precision by our skilled florists, this bouquet features a harmonious blend of Doria Pink Santini Chrysanthemums, Memory Lane Roses, Pink Germini, Athena Roses, accented with delicate Pistache foliage and adorned with subtly dusted Pink Pinecones. It’s the perfect choice for any occasion during the festive month of December, whether you’re celebrating a birthday, an anniversary, or simply sending your heartfelt wishes during this wonderful season. This extraordinary bouquet comes with a delightful vase, making it the perfect gift for your recipient as they can immediately display and enjoy their bouquet. Making it the perfect gift for any occasion!.

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December Bouquet with Vase.  Introducing our exquisite December Bouquet, a stunning arrangement in shades of pink that is sure to bring joy to your fortunate recipient. Crafted with precision by our skilled florists, this bouquet features a harmonious blend of Doria Pink Santini Chrysanthemums, Memory Lane Roses, Pink Germini, Athena Roses, accented with delicate Pistache foliage and adorned with subtly dusted Pink Pinecones. It’s the perfect choice for any occasion during the festive month of December, whether you’re celebrating a birthday, an anniversary, or simply sending your heartfelt wishes during this wonderful season. This extraordinary bouquet comes with a delightful vase, making it the perfect gift for your recipient as they can immediately display and enjoy their bouquet. Making it the perfect gift for any occasion!


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