
Classic Roses and Lilies Egg Set


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Classic Roses and Lilies Egg Set. Send that special someone a unique bouquet of classic White Roses and Pink Lilies! This gorgeous bouquet has been lovingly created by our Artisan Florists using only the most beautiful Athena Roses, Pink Oriental Lilies and Pistache making a timeless bouquet that all will love! Indulge this easter with everyone’s favourite chocolate eggs while enjoying the beauty of your bouquet!.

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SKU: 35677263444


Classic Roses and Lilies Egg Set.  Send that special someone a unique bouquet of classic White Roses and Pink Lilies! This gorgeous bouquet has been lovingly created by our Artisan Florists using only the most beautiful Athena Roses, Pink Oriental Lilies and Pistache making a timeless bouquet that all will love! Indulge this easter with everyone’s favourite chocolate eggs while enjoying the beauty of your bouquet!


Scroll down to view Discount Voucher Codes for 123 Flowers and other Florists.