April Bouquet with Card


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April Bouquet with Card. Our beautiful Spring birthday bouquet is perfect for all those special occasions throughout April, to really make their day. We have included Lush Pink Roses, Pastel Pink Carnations, Double Lilac Lisianthus, Double Yellow Chrysanthemums and Pink Birch, hand-tied with an vibrant ribbon to create this exciting bouquet. Included in this birthday bundle is a personalised occasion card to make this gift extra special!.


Scroll down to view Discount Voucher Codes for Prestige Flowers and other Florists.


April Bouquet with Card.  Our beautiful Spring birthday bouquet is perfect for all those special occasions throughout April, to really make their day. We have included Lush Pink Roses, Pastel Pink Carnations, Double Lilac Lisianthus, Double Yellow Chrysanthemums and Pink Birch, hand-tied with an vibrant ribbon to create this exciting bouquet. Included in this birthday bundle is a personalised occasion card to make this gift extra special!


Scroll down to view Discount Voucher Codes for Prestige Flowers and other Florists.

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